As Christians we plead that we desire to be like the church of the first century, yet it can
be difficult to see the church outside of our 21st century eyes. Furthermore, we
recognize the worldwide nature of the church, yet as Christians living in America, it can
be difficult to see the church outside of an American context. However, God’s plan for
His church was not one that only exists in 21st century America. The church has a
much greater context and reach than our local congregations or even those we connect
with personally through mission trips. The church is a timeless and worldwide institution
created by God for the salvation of His people and His glorification (Ephesians 3:20-21).
As we consider the timeless nature of the church, we cannot neglect that even before
the foundation of the church recorded in Acts 2, the church existed in prophecy. God
declared His plan for the church long before the apostles were inspired to preach the
gospel message to those men and women who would become the first Christians on the
day of Pentecost. Daniel, through God’s mercy in interpreting Nebuchadnezzar’s dream,
detailed the coming kingdom that would be set up by God, that would never be
destroyed, and that would stand forever (Daniel 2:44). Isaiah prophesied that in latter
days the Lord’s house would be established and that all nations would flow to it (Isaiah
2:2-3). Joel described events that would take place on the day when the church was
established (Joel 2:28-32).
Consideration of the church in prophecy not only highlights the timelessness of the
church, but also the worldwide nature of the church. The prophecies of Isaiah and Joel
clearly identified that the church would be for all, not some. Isaiah stated that “all
nations would flow to the Lord’s house,” (Isaiah 2:2) and Joel stated that “whoever calls
on the name of the Lord shall be saved” (Joel 2:32). The words “all” and “whoever”
leave no one out. Peter, inspired by the Holy Spirit, even directly quotes from Joel 2
during his sermon on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:16-21). Other New Testament
writings also emphasize that anyone can become a part of God’s kingdom if one
submits to His will, no matter one’s gender, ethnicity, location, or station in life
(Galatians 3:28; Colossians 3:11). It is truly a blessing that we can be a part of the
church of Christ regardless of when or where we were born.
God provided everything that mankind would need for one not only to be a part of His
church, but also to serve Him, worship Him, and teach others about Him when He gave
mankind His Word (2 Timothy 3:16-17). When Peter wrote that God gave us everything
that pertains to life and godliness, the blessing was not just for the first century
Christians to whom he was inspired to write (2 Peter 1:1-3). God’s design for the church
allows the church to exist and glorify His name throughout the world without the
necessity of a human head or human organization. I have been blessed with the
opportunity to gather with the Lord’s people, not only across the United States, but on
three continents across the world. These congregations of God’s people, and the others
like them, are able to obey His will because He provided His will in His Word and gave
the church the perfect Head, Jesus (Ephesians 1:22-23; Matthew 16:18).
Because God has given all of the world the same inspired Word, everyone can walk by
the same standard (Philippians 3:15-16; 2 Timothy 3:16-17). Therefore, we can all be unified in speech, thought, and doctrine no matter our location, culture, or language (1
Corinthians 1:10). God’s plan from the beginning was for the church to be the true
melting pot that brought together people from different backgrounds into His perfect
family (Romans 1:16). While one may know this from reading the Scriptures, being able
to teach the Bible in South America, worship with the church in Singapore, hold a ladies’
day in Malaysia, or conduct a personal study on a front porch in Jamaica cements the
notion that the power of God’s Word is not stopped by any manmade differences. The
church prophesied and realized has been in existence for nearly 2000 years. The
church of Christ should be the same the world over. This is the power of the seed of the
kingdom (Luke 8:11).
The ability for mankind to read God’s Word, follow it, and teach it no matter one’s
gender, language, ethnicity, or position provides an opportunity for unity across the
world unlike any manmade institution. Christians, whether Malaysian, Filipino, Mexican,
French, or American, choose to submit to God through His Word and live lives
according to His standard. It does not matter that one Christian worships in English
while another worships in Tagalog. It does not matter that one Christian lives as a
faithful wife in a home without electricity while another lives as a faithful wife in a home
with every modern convenience. It does not matter that one Christian is a man and
another Christian is a woman. As Christians we are all one in Jesus, because He has
made us all heirs (Galatians 3:26-29; 1 Peter 3:7). Truly the church is comprised of all
nations under heaven from whoever will call on His name (Acts 2:21). Paul exhorted the
Christians in Ephesus to “walk worthy of the calling of which you were called. . .
endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace,” and directed their
minds that “There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called in one hope of
your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is above
all, and through all, and in you all” (Ephesians 4:1-6). As Christians, we can be united
across the city, the state, the county, and the world because these things are still true
today. It is certainly a blessing that God’s gift of salvation in the church is available to all
and that Christians can be united across the world.

Lisa Kennedy is a stay-at-home and homeschool mom who works part-time for Macmillian Publishing. She is married to Trent Kennedy and they have four children, Ella, Troy, Luke, and Annie. Currently, Trent works with the Four Seas Bible College in Singapore where Lisa serves as part-time women's faculty. Their family will be relocating to work with the Southwest School of Bible Studies and Southwest church of Christ over the summer of 2022. Lisa has been involved in foreign mission work in St. Lucia, Jamaica, Paraguay, Mexico, Malaysia, and Singapore.